Shipping & Returns

  1. Special Orders
  2. Return Policy
  3. Previously Installed Products
  4. Order Cancellations

Q: Special Orders

Special orders must be paid for, in full, in advance and are non returnable. No refund will be issued on special ordered items.

Q: Return Policy

If you are returning merchandise within 30 days from the date of receipt, and the item has not been installed, modified and is complete, you may return all or part of the order to receive a full refund for the original purchase price of the product. Original shipping, return shipping and handling costs are non-refundable. If you are returning merchandise after 31 days, a 15-30% restock fee will apply and store credit will be issued for the balance. No returns will be accepted on merchandise after 90 days.

Q: Previously Installed Products

Product that has been installed, modified or has missing parts cannot be returned to us. If the merchandise qualifies for a Manufacturer’s Warranty or guarantee, we will be happy to assist you in getting in touch with the original Manufacturer of that product. Look for warranty and guarantee information in the original product box.

Q: Order Cancellations

If you are unsure about an order you wish to place for ANY reason, then please contact our sales department before you place an order. We cannot stop an order once it has been placed.